Oh, how I love the library! For them... (instantaneously devoured upon arrival home)
... and for me! (Did you even know The Knitting Sutra existed? I didn't. And finally a book to guide me into some basketry with the piles of willow branches I have!)
On to the other good stuff... Another amazing candle and soap order from Amber (this time, all Caravan...) and, at long last, my Etsy order from overseas... some really good stuff... but likely the last of the ordering for a while. Outside of a very small dollar amount which I hope to stretch as far as I can, I am vowing to only spend money on absolute necessities for two months (and have faith that this will jump start something more permanent). Perhaps you do this already. I really and truly try each month, but never seem to be able to carry out the plan. I know it will be hard, no joke, as I am always wanting to buy good yarn, great fabric, and other art supplies, but this is a commitment I am making to myself and my family so that we can continue our quest for a simple life. There is so much in this world that I can live without if I can just get past the initial "need" or "want" for it. So, that is my goal. One day at a time...
But no one said we couldn't trade with friends! "New-to-me" is always just as great as "New" and usually feels much better. After a mishap at the post office, my books from Heather, my Creative Book Exchange partner and truly amazing woman, arrived! I couldn't be more excited!
I mean, really? Look at this little mushroom pincushion!
This is really lovely and reminds me of something my grandmother likely made...
And this! Just the inspiration I needed to get on the pillow project I have been putting on the back burner. Cant believe I finally have a copy of this amazing book now!
Thanks so much, Heather! And thanks to Julia for organizing it! Maybe I will have to organize some kind of exchange soon. (Can you hear my wheels turning?)