this is how inspiration comes to me. overtaking my being. i have no control. no other choice but to create. in any small or large way possible. i have been looking and looking and looking and looking (you think i could size that one up to fit me? no, really!) for the perfect sweater pattern to knit for myself, for the perfect yarn (thanks julie!!) to create some other good things, for the perfect... and the list goes on. shouldn't i know by now that ideas are not born from perfection? all of that looking finally got to me today and i had to shut it all down and just get to making. anything. first i just started drawing, then got some stamping and printmaking ideas... with the fog rolling in and all today... with eden and i riding my bike tires through big piles of crunchy leaves with glee on our way to school this morning... the needles, which have been consistently in use all summer, but a slower pace (i am making a man sized sweater. with rows upon rows of stockinette... zzzzzz....) could be heard clicking in their jar, like excited little tap dancers, just waiting for me to choose a pair and put them to work! i was reminded about decision fatigue by kyrie this morning. wow. so, no more choices. only forward motion and damned if i make something not quite "perfect." at least it will be made with love.