Gosh, where do I start? I am in love with this tiny little book. It is written by hand, illustrated beautifully on each page, and the tone of the book is as though I am talking frankly with a good friend who is giving it to me straight.
The book is divided into three main parts ::
Health & First Aid {everything from tinctures, salves and tonics to dental issues, PMS & anxiety}
Non-Toxic Cleaning and Body Care {whole house care including drain openers, etc. shampoos, scrubs, toners and other skin care & a great chart on how to choose the right herbs for your particular skin type}
Gardening {when to plant, what to plant, who to plant next to each other, composting 101 and seedling tips}
I love this book because it is easy to pick up and read a little bit here and there and get a good amount of knowledge that I will actually remember rather than to read a whole chapter and then still have to look up the important points again. It is, for lack of a better word, efficient. Cute & efficient.
And yes, I did purchase this particular gem. My local library did not have it and none of the 10 neighboring libraries had it. What a stroke of great luck that I had to bring it home. I can pretty much guarantee that this will never be going into the Green Apple pile of books to sell.
{Check out Molly's new post on our new blog (our journey toward) a non-disposable life. We have decided to post on different days to keep things more lively... (and also because it fits better with our super busy lives!) If you were following us on Typepad, please sign up to re-follow us as we moved the blog to it's own home -it was rooming with me for a while. If you visited there via our other link or even bookmarked us, you could never tell that we moved. We still have the same website: www.nondisposablelife.com We are tricky like that... ;) If you are interested in sharing on our blog, please leave a comment there letting us know.}